Tuesday, July 26, 2011

We go together like an orange moped and a flame helmet

3 Random paragraphs put in one space for your reading (pleasure?)

So the other day, while driving, I saw a guy riding down the road with an orange moped and a flame helmet. For about 5 seconds I was judging him and his poor decision making skills, but then I realized that a flame helmet really is the ONLY kind of helmet that goes with an orange moped. As I sat at the stop light I wondered what Flame Helmet Guy did and who he was. Maybe I will date FHG one day? I've tried to see him again by going home the same way at the same time, but no luck. Stay tuned. If I see him again maybe I will gently "accidentally" run him off the road and meet him. We could get married on mopeds...what color of brides maid dress go with orange and flame?

Went to NKOTBSB. It was...interesting to say the least, but I will say above all else that it was a total people watching delight. Between the lady who actually brought her infant (yes...I mean NOT still in the womb) and the middle aged women breasts that were hanging out everywhere I laid out enough judgment to land myself straight in the pit of hell itself. As far as the groups go, BSB is same ol' wholesome, I want to wear your letter jacket type of group. Lovely. (Except for Nick. I think he does speed. Is he 27? Maybe we will see him on celebrity rehab soon.) And they can sorta sing, just like always. NKOTB is another story. Thank goodness for Donny's body or they would have been a total wash. Jordan should never sing...maybe not even at a birthday party. I think the pinnacle of the evening was when Donny ripped off his shirt and rubbed his body with it (including his man junk) and threw it to an audience member. I can't be certain if this is my new "NKOTB kinda sucks" self talking, but I'm pretty sure my personal hygiene rules would have required I not catch the sweaty balls tank top from Donny...nice body or not. Just sayin.

Lastly, I had a flat tire the other day. I changed it myself, which I was pretty proud of. I did call my dad though, because my driveway is an incline which I know is bad for jacking up your car. So my dad tells me to put a brick underneath it. Quick pole: who has brick laying around their house? I promptly responded in kind to my father who then suggests I find a cinderblock. Really dad? If I don't have a brick, then I PROBABY DON'T have a cinderblock. By the grace of God and my Yoga Mat (which saw more of workout that morning wedged under the tire then it has in a LONG time) my car didn't role, my tire got changed, and my lovely friend Marta picked me up so I didn't have to wait around for it all. Overall success. However, maybe I'll by a single brick next time I go to a hardware store and keep it in my trunk with my jumper cables. In fact, maybe I should market a package that has a brick and jumper cables as a joint deal. Investors anyone?

And now.....SLEEP!