Monday, March 15, 2010

I need a freaking sophisticated date...gah!

Life...its good. I have a sweet new ride (an 08 altima that is pimped out with heated leather seats, moon roof, keyless start and all the things that razzle dazzle me and make me do a jig as I walk to my car). I'm excited for daylight savings and the extra hour(s) of daylight that start soon. Maybe I can stay up later than 10:00 at night now and actually get things done.

Work is good and the fam is good. I have slowed down a bit and been in town with a whole free weekend. Saturday I didn't shower or put on makeup or prepare myself for anything all day. The only time I left my apartment was for a run! Otherwise I sat myself on the couch and read. I also did a little sorting and cleaning with a glassish of wine to motivate me (yes I drank alone and it was glorious...).

No crazy stories to be told. I've somehow been too busy to do anything to crazy or embarrassing. I DO however need a date here in April so I will be holding interviews for that soon. I have this quasi sophisticated even that is being thrown by my employers. This means that I can't take a date that: drinks to much, has yet to master the English language, won't be goggled eyed by professional athletes, has sound hygiene and table manners, AND I will have fun with. Picky I know but a girl can't be embarrassed at work functions. Regardless this narrows my "friend date" field to about none and since I'm still on actual dating sabbatical I'm at a loss for who I will choose. Sigh. I'm currently taking applications. Even if they meet MOST of the above criteria. Regardless it should be a comical process. Oh life...such obstacles!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. STOP THE PRESSES...I think I have a date that will do. :)
