Sunday, May 1, 2011

So the other day I was babysitting some kids. It’s kind of what I seem to be doing in my spare time now days. And this little girl, name Fyn (Who had a little brother named Becket but every time she said her brother’s name it sounded like “Bucket” and I giggled) was telling me what she was learning about at school (preschool, apparently some kind of catholic preschool).

So Fyn says to me (while she, myself and “Bucket” are sitting at the lunch table), “Do you know that God is invisible?” I confirmed that I was aware of the theological truth of the invisibility of God’s person (or whatever one would call it). Fyn took a bite of her carrots and then turned and looked at me and said (very seriously), “Well God is invisible BUT (and she gets this HUGE grin on her face) Jesus isn’t invisible.” I could do nothing more than mimic her Christmas morning grin and agree.

In truth, Fyn the four year old who still can’t wipe her own behind, nailed it on the head. Sometimes it seems bleak and God (who, or is it whom, is also magic according to Fyn while Jesus is just a little magic) does seem very invisible to me. I struggle to grasp hold of something that I can see. In the darkest of night I want God to turn on a nightlight. But in his invisibility that doesn’t seem possible so it’s a good thing that Jesus is visible. So this blog goes out to Fyn (and Bucket) for helping me uncover my head and recognize the complete visibility of my nightlight in the dark. Thanks for the spiritual lesson before rest time!

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