Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Lent...take 3.

The third tim eis a charm.

So last night I was having dinner with my friend CP and she helped me decide my new Lent. Actually she suggested I make my newest endeavor my third Lent. It can be Lent Q3 if you will…appropriate. So the new goal is to add something instead of taking something away. Previously I decided to not eat out. I did so so on that Lent.

For Lent Q3 I’m going to be adding to my daily life. I’ve decided to add (DRUM ROLL)flirting. Yep that’s right, flirting. I am going to attempt to flirt with everyone I see. Ok just kidding (sort of), but as my friend M says I’m going to, “Get my flirt on”. We will see how it goes.

I was thinking about this while lying in bed and I decided I should come up with some parameters on what I think flirting is and who should be exempt. Please see the following Flirt Rules:
1. All is fair in love and flirting except for the marrieds. This means ugly, cute, bald, snaggle tooth, and comb overs all get flirted with. Yes (and this will shock several of you) even the short guys. However, if somebody put a ring on it, they are exempt.
2. Not necessary to flirt all the time but it is necessary to flirt every day. You know what they say, “a solid flirt a day keeps the cat lady title away”. As a byproduct I had better amp up my social outings or the person in the cube next to me is going to get a lot of eye batting and giggling (and she is a 60 year old lady). Could be a problem
3. If you ask, I will go. Due to the fact that I need to get out more to participate in this Lent, I’m game to do whatever (as long as it isn’t while I’m in class or at work…mostly). I can turn no invitation down (again , as long as it doesn’t interfere with my commitments…solitude no longer counting as a commitment).
4. Wikepedia defines flirting as, “a playful, romantic or sexual overture by one person to another subtly indicating an interest in a deeper relationship with the other person, and can involve verbal communication as well as body language. I believe everything wikepedia says, so I think that I will take that definition for now. Think hair flinging, giggling, and small touches on the hand. That’s me.
5. Lastly I’m willing to be held accountable(ish). This is a change for me because usually I refuse to listen to advice on this topic. Although I always nod my head and PRETEND like I’m going to listen. Now, I’m going to try. If its suggest, I’ll give it a whirl (serious suggestions only).

This should be interesting. I’ll keep you updated on my progress. Perhaps by September 18th I will be one of those girls you have to preempt with a comment like, “oh she doesn’t mean anything by it, she is just flirty by nature”. Yeah!

So look out world. I’m on the prowl. (That last sentence was painful to type and sort of made me feel like a cougar previous to when it became popular. Or perhaps I feel more like the lady in the pleather snake skin mini skirt with red lipstick on her teeth. It’s a tossup. Either way I shan’t delete it because Lent Q3 is my first step in prevention…well maybe step 2 since I don’t own a pleather snake skin mini skirt.)

Oh also I think I’m going back to Funky Town (the place where a lady asked me to be her sex slave…que Rhianna) soon. Could be interesting.

So, on that note...Ciao(please insert hair flip and coy smile)

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