Tuesday, August 16, 2011

QMI for Lent 3Q

So I feel the need for confession. Lent 3Q has not jumped off to a strong start. I was doing ok. Flirting with someone every day, taking it pretty easy but making sure I got my flirt in. I’m still doing that, sorta. HOWEVER I’m failing on some major fronts. I’ve compiled a list:

1. I went to Funky Town on Friday with CP and very little flirting took place. (As a side note, it was Elvis night…try not to be too jealous). I did, however, sweat enough to fill a bathtub, but flirting was minimal. So what some of the guys were missing teeth? SO what they are as old as my dad? Discrimination is not in the SMART goals for Lent 3Q.

2. Yesterday was an epic fail. I had a headache and it didn’t go well. I flirted with nobody. Unless you count my pitiful begging of advil from a cube neighbor where I may have flirted, if you count threats of vomiting if I didn't get the headache undercontrol. Your call.

3. TODAY I felt much better and thought I would flirt like a maniac. Clearly a lie straight from the pit(s)of hell (does hell have more than one pit? Marta, shouldn’t you know this?) . One of my candidates came in this afternoon for his round of interviews. B had two things going for him that really hindered my flirtiness (besides the obvious potential coworker and current job applicant of the establishment in where I work in HR…sticky…but hey Lent supersedes interoffice policy). The first big issue that B had was some extremely odiferous cologne. One spray will do buddy, one spray will do. The second thing he had going for him that really put a damper on my flirting plan, was a complete and utter lack of respect for my personal space. He stood up to shake my hand and kept right on walking into my bubble. IT was so bad that I took a visible step back from him. I mean, he noticed. OOOOOPPPPS. I think that is the antithesis of flirting. I totally crumbled under the first sign of real pressure. Sigh.

Overall I’m going to need to step up my game. Classes start for me next week which I feel like could be my “busy season” in 3Q. Perhaps I’ll buy a cosmo and shave my legs in preparation (because isn’t that what you do or does that just mean I want to have sex?). I wonder if there is a class for flirting? I think I’ll google it.

Anyway, QMI is sad. Thankfully, tomorrow is another day. I was invited to a friend’s house tomorrow nigh (which I didn't decline, even though I need to clean and do laundry and have a book to read). So maybe I will be a big flirt there. Stay tuned. Not sure why, but I really feel as though B’s cologne served as a harbinger to “Megan Hunter’s life becomes a laughing disaster, take #3058”.

So hopefully this time next week will be good news to report. Perhaps I’ll threaten myself with some kind of repercussion if I don’t shape up. Maybe I’ll take a cue from every awesomely awful singing movie ever (cough Coyote Ugly..love that one) and sign up for amateur stripper night if I don’t get it together. Similar right?

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