Wednesday, December 2, 2009

When it rains, it poors...or when it beeps it roars?

So this morning I finally force myself out of bed for a morning work out. I hate doing this. More accurately I DON'T do it. No matter how much I tell myself I am getting up early to get my work out in, it doesn't happen. So this morning, I set my alarm for 5am to get up and go workout because I KNOW that small group on Wednesday won't allow for time for a good work out.

My alarm goes off at 5am and I snooze. 5:10, snooze...5:20, snooze..5:30, ok Megan its now or never. I get up and get into my work out clothes and head out the door. I have a decent workout for 45 mintues and head back in to the apartment. I put a kettle of water on for some warm tea on the way to work. I hop in the shower. Beep, beep, beep my back up alarm starts going off at 6:45 when I just shampooed my hair. I hurry through the rest of my shower hoping the neighbor that shares my bedroom wall miraculously slept elsewhere last night.

Alarm off and robe on I start to blow dry my hair only to hear another beeping. What could it be but my smoke alarm. Something has fallen into one of my burners that my tea kettle is on and my apartment smells like (and obviously has) smoke all over. I wave it off and take my tea kettle off. I get back to the bathroom only to have its piercing beep start all over again. I climbed up and took the stupid battery out (dangerous I know but at this point I'm worried about a lynch mob).

Out the door I go with all of my things cluttering up my arm space. I head to the car, throw in my laptop and purse and jostle everything around to get in when I hit the stupid panic button on my car. Seriously?!

If my neighbors ALL over my apartment don't hate me, well then its just because they don't know who I am. Sigh. Maybe I should never wake up early to run again!

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