Thursday, September 10, 2009

Patrick...the OFFICIAL non date date

Patrick and I went to the Blue Koi last night. It was fabulous. Perhaps some of the best dumplings I have ever had AND I found the Jerusalem Cafe which I had a sampling of at a fair and am PUMPED. I had no idea it was down there.

The time was ok. I made sure to pay for my own meal because I fell like nothings says "non date" like going dutch. I think he was a little let down and he said he would be glad to hang out anytime I was free. (I had kind of told him I was super busy for the next while, which is nothing but true). Regardless I learned that I can't only not date Patrick due to our zero physical attraction but I would kill him for other reasons too.

The puns do they fly with him. While its ok for a bit I can't imagine day in and day out. In fact, while doing that last night I almost choked on a dumpling. Bad.

So I think that I will try to distance myself. We may have to have an official DTR (define the relationship) in which I (hopefully via the phone even though I know that makes me kind of a creep) explain that it is JUST NOT going to happen but that we could probably meet to hang out once in awhile. I just don't have a lot of time for new friends. I know that SOUNDS bad, but its true. My friend pocket is full. And I can only imagine this continuously getting awkward as we progress.

Regardless it was an ok time. The Blue Koi (which was his suggestion) is by far the MOST valuable of the deal but Patrick is funny and interesting to hang out with. (I just realized that the majority of this sign is about the food and anticipation of food, not a good sign.) I just can't date him. Sigh. But I no longer regret my lack of eccentricities that prevent that. The end.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Up and could get really funny

So here are some up and coming things to look forward to

September 9 (wednesday): dinner with Patrick (yes the non date)

September 15 (Tuesday) Date #2 with Steve (he finally asked)

September 16 (Wednesday) date with Marta so I should have a life plan to talk about.

September 17 (Thursday) date #1 with Jason the cop. Jason is new. Talked to him on the phone tonight. He is....interesting. We will give it a whirl. At least I'm not nervous to meet a cop. Very friendly. Has an 11 year old daughter (yikes, but I'm being open).

Oh the adventures. Next week is going to be BUSY! Stay tuned bc I can only imagine life is gonna get good!

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Steve: The S L O W

So Steve (date #4).

I have been talking to Steve for FOREVER (which actually amounts to 3 weeks). We weren't actually talking but rather texting. It took everything (and still does) I had not to take charge of our "dating/getting to know you" time line. I have to say that I understand he is laid back and a little less driven than I am, but COME on!

So finally, he gets around to suggesting we meet up. I'm thrilled bc I have been thinking about cutting him out of the running. I was nervous that I would form an attachment to him via text which is NOT, in my opinion, a healthy relationship foundation. Anyway, so we agree to meet on thursday (of this last week) but I don't know the where or when. Well I did say coffee date so I knew it would be casualish.

I wait and wait. We set this up Sunday. We briefly text on Monday. Then again on Wednesday during nap. But by the time I left work Wednesday at 10:30 I still didn't know where or time of our meeting. I was angry (yes that's right, mad). So I (very politely...thank God tone is easy to conceal via text) text him and told him I NEEDED to know what we were doing. (Sigh, if only I could be the "man" in the relationship at this point.) Well I didn't hear from him until Thursday morning with a profound apology for falling asleep and not calling me after I got off work.

So we met at the Panera (yep, why change a good thing) at town center. First impression: He is a BAD dresser! He was wearing this weird button down and cords. To borrow a phrase from Dom (my 3 year old I nanny), "not good, not tasty at all". BUT, I can always change that later.

So we sat down for coffee and chatted for 2 hours. We had spent such a significant amount of time texting that we both knew basics. He graduated from KU with a psych degree. I'm not sure that I'm able to see where his faith really is yet but its there enough to keep exploring. He is a little weird. He is in THREE fantasy football leagues and is pretty geeked out over college basketball. He practices cursive (for self enrichment) with a friend of his one night a week. (I know this is weird and you are all probably expecting more of an explanation here but there just really isn't one. He practices cursive.Period. End. Stop.)

So yeah, it started to get cold so I said I had to jam. I asked him how he thought it went and he said well. We are going to go out again (but OF COURSE we don't have a date set, sigh). Hopefully it will be sooner than later bc my schedule is gonna get hectic with weddings and out of town family jazz. But regardless the night ended with a hug and a plan for a future. When I got home I got a text that said he had a lot of fun and thanking me for meeting him. Sweet. So we will see. I'll keep you all posted!

Mark: Not a train wreck but he certainly didn't blow my whistle

Mark (date #2). Mark a 30 year old train conductor from Richmond was my second date.

I have to admit I was excited to meet him. He was very close with his family and very upfront about his relationship with the Lord. He was kind of nerdy on the phone, which is fine bc I am nerdy enough on my own. On paper we should make a great match.

We met at Panera in Independence. (I know I know, but Panera is just such a good spot). I have to admit that at first sight I kind of suspected it might be a "not so much". However we progressed into the restaurant and he bought me dinner. He was very nice and we chatted about different things throughout the meal. He is a talker, so it was great to sit back and kind of let him go.

After we ate, he asked if I wanted to go for a walk on a path nearby. I agreed and he drove us to the "path". Turns out he had no idea where it was and so we ended up just driving around (weird).

While driving we talked about a ton of stuff. He informed me that gay men are very attracted to him (weird). He commented that my purse was VERY yellow (not a compliment I'm pretty sure). He spent significant amount of time discussing the Regan election (which I didn't have the heart to tell him I wasn't alive for). I restrained my mouth when he said non christians were like poison ivy, they rub off on u more than u rub off on them. And lastly he informed me he would be a Libertarian (if anything) and then went on to expound upon why same sex marriages weren't a good idea for the state. (Wow this makes him sound horrible when in reality he wasn't THAT bad).

Mostly I was silent, which is unusual, but what the heck does one say to any of that? Regardless he took me to my car and we parted with a hug. I thought he would call me and had been practicing ways to politely tell him no, but by the grace of God I didn't have to bc he didn't call. Huh...a Libertarian, gay man magnet, who talks so much that I can't hardly get a word in edge wise isn't interested in me? Ridiculous!

I do have to say that overall it was a good bowl of soup!