Sunday, September 6, 2009

Mark: Not a train wreck but he certainly didn't blow my whistle

Mark (date #2). Mark a 30 year old train conductor from Richmond was my second date.

I have to admit I was excited to meet him. He was very close with his family and very upfront about his relationship with the Lord. He was kind of nerdy on the phone, which is fine bc I am nerdy enough on my own. On paper we should make a great match.

We met at Panera in Independence. (I know I know, but Panera is just such a good spot). I have to admit that at first sight I kind of suspected it might be a "not so much". However we progressed into the restaurant and he bought me dinner. He was very nice and we chatted about different things throughout the meal. He is a talker, so it was great to sit back and kind of let him go.

After we ate, he asked if I wanted to go for a walk on a path nearby. I agreed and he drove us to the "path". Turns out he had no idea where it was and so we ended up just driving around (weird).

While driving we talked about a ton of stuff. He informed me that gay men are very attracted to him (weird). He commented that my purse was VERY yellow (not a compliment I'm pretty sure). He spent significant amount of time discussing the Regan election (which I didn't have the heart to tell him I wasn't alive for). I restrained my mouth when he said non christians were like poison ivy, they rub off on u more than u rub off on them. And lastly he informed me he would be a Libertarian (if anything) and then went on to expound upon why same sex marriages weren't a good idea for the state. (Wow this makes him sound horrible when in reality he wasn't THAT bad).

Mostly I was silent, which is unusual, but what the heck does one say to any of that? Regardless he took me to my car and we parted with a hug. I thought he would call me and had been practicing ways to politely tell him no, but by the grace of God I didn't have to bc he didn't call. Huh...a Libertarian, gay man magnet, who talks so much that I can't hardly get a word in edge wise isn't interested in me? Ridiculous!

I do have to say that overall it was a good bowl of soup!

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