Thursday, February 11, 2010

OH...I wish I were an oscar meyer wiener

At times I have to wonder if growing up is all its cracked up to be. Today I watched the kids I nanny, run around with a balloon (1 each) trailing behind them. They chased each other with those balloons for hours today. There wasn't even helium, merely a simple balloon on a string. The joy that came from that balloon was astounding (to say the least).

I've been thinking about what my balloon is as a 24 year old. I'm not sure I have one. Maybe I do have a balloon but I've become so used to it follow me on the string that I just don't realize my hand is clutched so tightly, unwilling to lose it on my mad dash from the kitchen to the living room. Either way I want to know. I want to find my balloon or take a second to look back and recognize it. I think that is my goal. Before my quarter life crisis (which is quickly approaching) I hope to find my balloon and run for a little while!

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