Monday, February 1, 2010

If you are a pedifile, I'm 24 so move on...but if your tall dark and handsome...well lets talk ;)

So I have been peer pressured into blogging again for the soul purpose of allowing Brittany to stalk my life. While I'm not sure its a good thing, I (as usual) caved to peer pressure. So let the blogging begin...

Perhaps I should begin with a shakedown of where life is (because if you don't know me, or didn't spend hours of your life sitting in a variety of eating and drinking establishments in Columbia, Missouri with me last Saturday, you may not know what my life is about). I spend a lot of life doing not a lot of anything noteworthy. I'm working as a nanny for two cute kids and hanging out with friends. I'm also spending some time at church and contemplating what spirituality means to me post college as a single and frequently average 24 year old woman.

I have some close friends and some not so close friends that I pass free time with. We often end up at a bar, restaurant, or one anothers house (a positive for the "young adult with no aspirations" is that even if some of you still live at home you usually have at least a FEW friends that have their own place).

On to thought(s) of the day (because we all know I'm a rambler even in type:

So yesterday I was sitting with one of my small groups (which I love, you all know who you are J, T, A, and M!) and we decided that T needed to trip it to the bar for the first time EVER as a 30 year old woman. I was, naturally, the one chosen to decide where to go. Similarly my other small group appointed me as the "bachelorette party planner". So I'm starting to wonder what this means for me?

Am I so crazy that I'm "that friend" amongst my church group? Am I truly more "wild" than others. I grew up in a town that wasn't ashamed of fun times, perhaps a little humility could be afforded. However, I feel I'm rather tame as far as life goes but that isn't the feedback I'm getting. Sweet Jesus please tell me I'm not the crazy girl that everyone knows. And to think I used to think I would make an excellent politicians wife. Whats that country song about God's greatest gifts being unanswered prayers. Yeah well, even though Jackie O and I jive on whats fashionable it turns out I'm the church friend lush which doesn't bode well for my future first lady aspirations.

I feel a need to spend further hours contemplating this. Perhaps receive feedback from friends and acquaintances. Regardless I'm leading my group to the den of Inequity this month! Should be an awesome time, woot woot!

Random thought of the day: What if the hokey pokey really IS what its all about?


  1. this made me laugh...i can't wait for our trip to the den of inequity :)

    and you are not the church friend lush

  2. Seriously...your update MADE my day. I will willing and openly stalk your life as long as you allow me to.

    And for the record....I still think you would make a great politican's wife. You're no lush.

  3. Girl you are just fun, not a crazy lush! I'm sure compared to some people you went to high school with they still consider you miss proper so don't fret that you as a Christian woman know how to have a good time. Glad you're blogging again, I can just hear you when you type your thoughts. Miss you!

  4. I love that you were pressured in to blogging again. Your blog is awsome and you made me laugh after a very not fun day!!!
